A lot of our investigations are residential – and therefore a lot of the time private. We’ve avoided the standard of uploading info on every single case we do (which, lets be honest, would probably bore you), and instead we present our EVPs in as an anonymous state as possible. We’ve selected those that intrigue us and though some may have you straining your ears to hear, others are pretty clear.


Since one of our researchers caught the very, very, very end of this, we have to class it as an AVP.  This was recorded whilst researching The Old Woman story for Haunted Carlow.  Three researchers went alone to the house mentioned in the story and this is what every recorder in the building recorded …except only one of the three researchers heard anything, and that was the end part only very, very faintly.



Two investigators in one room. Three things happen at once – the investigator nearest the recorder sniffles, the one furthest away says something along the lines of ‘the EMF went up to a one’ and theres something else in there.

Technically this isn’t an EVP considering there wasn’t anyone in the room there not to hear it but it’s still a strange recording. After about 6 hours of audio containing nothing more than the normal sounds of a room, a word is heard.

This is probably one of the hardest of the EVPs to actually hear.
You will hear muffled voices from upstairs, as this recording was made in a downstairs locked off room. The muffled voices are a few investigators on the floor above. When you hear the suspected ‘evp’, you’ll wonder how you missed it the other 10 times you had listened.

After numerous visits to Carlow Shopping Centre (the site of the old Gaol) between March and June 2014, we’ve a few new AVP and EVPs to add to the site.

The sound of someone whistling

(There were three people present, and none had whistled)

Some sort of laugh
(You’ll need to listen carefully.  It comes in after the word ‘…and’. At the very beginning you hear a woman talk – she was one of the three people present.
Quite similar to the laugh we captured a few years ago)

High pitched laughter
(You’ll hear a woman yelling, and a man chuckling.  They are real people who were there.  Its the high pitched laughing that you want to listen out for)

The sound of something falling
(A team of investigators where in the actual area the sound came from and couldn’t locate the source.  Something similar was heard on two other occasions and seems to originate from the Cafe, which is locked up after hours)

The sound of something falling again
(The interesting aspect here is that this sound happened after one of the team of three announced she had to leave for a prior appointment, and expressed disappointment nothing had happened.  Immediately after she said this, this sound occurred.  A few weeks later – with a two man team – at the end of the night after discussing the previous experience the question was asked that if there was ‘something’ there, was it listening in and making noises to gain our attention.  As soon as that was said, the same noise occured again – still coming form inside the locked Cafe.  Unfortunately all our recorders had been packed away at that stage.)

Various tapping sounds
(The source of which we tried over four nights to locate and couldn’t.  This is three clips added together.  in the first you hear just tapping.  
In the next two you will also hear the investigators who were present at the time.)

Door slam
(This was recorded upstairs where the gym used to be (now a completely cleared out empty space.  All investigators were downstairs and not anywhere near this area.  Its either a door slam (and a sound none of the doors upstairs makes) or something heavy falling.  Quite similar but not as loud as this other door slam sound we recorded a few years ago.)


We also have this video from the same location.


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